Since 2009, we have been working with the open source framework Django: "the web framework for perfectionists with deadlines". We see Django as a set of building blocks that we can use to quickly provide any website, app and web application with a high-quality framework.

Framework with big and small building blocks
We like to compare Django to a set of building blocks. With the help of the various blocks, some big and some small, you can develop exactly what is needed for your project. Standard parts can be reused so that development can focus on the non-standard parts. This is exactly the way we like to work; putting the needs of the user centre-stage.
More Django advantages
- Django is flexible, safe, fast and scalable. And particularly suitable for linking with external systems.
- Fully Open Source.
- It has a large and lively community which ensures continuous further development of the platform.
- Security is a priority. The framework does everything in its power to unlock applications as securely as possible.
- Django has a good separation of data, logic, and presentation.
Worldwide favourite
Django is used all over the world, by parties of all sizes, from commercial to governmental organisations. Well-known examples are Instagram, NASA, The Washington Post, Dropbox, Mercedes, Pinterest, and Mozilla. Django as a framework is very suitable for most web use cases, and has mature modules for the development of REST web services, e-commerce platforms and also CMS websites. We, too, have successfully deployed Django for clients from various sectors, from e-commerce to non-profit, for small and large projects and, of course, for our own website.
Wagtail CMS
In our projects we like to implement the Django-based CMS Wagtail: a user-friendly and easy-to-set-up CMS. The CMS has a large number of contributions from the community with which, for example, extra security features such as 2fa or modules for A/B testing can be added. Wagtail has become the preferred CMS for the British and American governments.
Do we always choose Django?
No, of course we also have experience with other frameworks. To give you an idea of what we work with, here are a few names from our stack: Django, Python, Wagtail, Microsoft .NET, Wordpress, Shopify, Umbraco, Redis, Postgresql, NginX, Apache, Supervisor, Elasticsearch, Gunicorn. We often deliver the total package of backend, frontend and CMS. Collaboration with an external backend provider - in which we supply design and frontend - is also possible. If you would like to find the best solution for you, we would be happy to brainstorm with you!