What’s the connection between PC, mobile, wearables and the next-best device of tomorrow? What makes your visitors coming back for more? What do you want them to share? That’s right, valuable and relevant content! That’s why we like to start a project with a ContentScrum. A proven way to get an immediate handle on the content.

What’s ContentScrum all about?
Using the ContentScrum method, we work with you to devise a prototype for a website or app with real texts, images and structures in three to five days. Then we go out and test the prototype with users. This is how we come up with a solid format within a short period of time. A format that people can understand and appreciate. And thus we develop an effective content strategy.
Just like with 'normal' Scrum, the ContentScrum includes a mixed team. Usually a strategist, designer and copywriter from Fabrique, together with the ‘product owner’ (web) editor and client expert. This set up provides a flow of knowledge and creativity from different viewpoints.
The set up provides an immediate general picture of the whole project to the whole team.
Why ContentScrum?
‘Content first’ is something you hear a lot these days, paired typically with ‘responsive design’. The idea that in developing for various types of devices we have to start with the core, the content, is logical. But it often only gets reorganised and cleaned up in a redesign. Even then, when you’re finally ready to deliver the project, you notice that new text and photos are needed. ContentScrum prevents these kinds of issues – by starting the project with content.
Successful digital products help the user just the way the client had in mind. Exactly why we start the ContentScrum process with an analysis of how the existing site or app is used. We also factor in commonly used terms, customer service questions and comments on social media. And we take a look at communication, marketing strategy and other business goals. The result is a customer journey. One that leads to a structure for the site or application, surrounded by a (digital) ecosystem.
On to version 0.01 – together
The strength of the ContentScrum lies in cooperation. The whole team creates and discusses the content. You’ll find that you can really put yourself into the user’s shoes by choosing how you’ll express actual information. Will you make use of running text, bullet points, a checklist or testimonials? How about an infographic, video or photos?
All the ideas are an effective support for a smooth continuation of the project. Moreover, we develop an entire concept, an overarching vision, reflected in the subsequent design and interaction.
The practical result is a prototype: a clickable site or app with minimal formatting. The whole thing feels complete, even though it’s not. To get solid feedback out of a test a small section of the final product is enough, as long as the content is real. We also work 'external' steps into the customer journey prototype, like Google search results or social media messages.

Test & learn
A user test at the end of the ContentScrum reveals:
- Whether the users understand the structure.
- If the content appeals to users.
- Whether content is consistent with the goals of the user and the client.
- Concrete improvements to implement in the design.
The test facilitates internal support. Presence of key decision makers at the test ensures commitment. In addition to all this, the communication prototype helps stakeholders form a general picture about the project. And the ContentScrum itself delivers a good insight to the client into the necessary information and editorial strength for a succesful project.
See the 'Safe Internet' (Veilig Internetten) project in which we’ve used ContentScrum.
In a nutshell
ContentScrum delivers the following:
- Content formats that work.
- A needs-based site structure
- User feedback at an early stage.
- Customer and team alignment.
- A 'kick start' to the project.
...And all within two weeks!