Financial services
From a brand perspective as well as through service design glasses, we find the world of financial services quite interesting. So many opportunities for new, innovative products and services, where customer convenience takes centre stage.

Customers go for convenience
In recent years the financial sector has lost some of its customer confidence and sympathy, but is starting to rebuild that slowly. This makes branding an important aspect, but not in the traditional sense; today’s branding is about storytelling. The customer is looking for convenience. That’s why we now see banks invest heavily in accelerating innovation, which should lead to new products and services that will delight customers.
The Lean Start-Up philosophy and Agile approach
The Lean Start-Up philosophy and Agile approach are good starting points for banks and insurers. These are relatively simple methods that help to accelerate innovation. Together with the Scrum Academy we help them to make these methods stick via agile training and coaching. Take the work we did for Aegon and Delta Lloyd, for example.