
Swapfiets. The company behind the successful subscription concept with which customers pay a monthly fee for a bike that always works. The company once began as a small startup, but nowadays it operates in several cities and countries. And that's why it was time to professionalize.

Intuitive tooling allows Swapfiets to grow
Customer Journey
We started the project with a discovery phase. Together with Swapfiets we investigated the process and looked at it from the perspective of the customer, planner, swapper and bicycle repairer. We mapped all the steps to see where improvements were needed in the system.
User experience
The back office needed to be improved so it was equipped to deal with the current growth, and Swapfiets asked us to join them in looking at the process, in order to jointly redesign the system’s core processes. With the right user experience and interface we make sure the process is improved for both customer as swapper, bike repairer and planner.

Service design & Scrum
The customer journey was the starting point for the design of the interface. The different components such as the planning, the bicycle repair dashboard and the swapper dashboard were redesigned in sprints.

We found that the system was not intuitive or proactive. It did not help the end user to focus or to take the next step. In addition, the roles and types that were recorded in the process sometimes turned out to be too complex in the system. And we saw that the system wasn't always a representation of reality. In unexpected situations, problems were solved outside the system.