Wander through Vincent's letters
Because the letters have been made public on the museum’s website, everyone can discover them. The emphasis of the design is on giving the quotes the right emotional background, but visitors are also spurred into action. They can highlight and share their most beautiful sentence. Or listen to a podcast featuring Dutch celebrities talking about their favourite quote.

Van Gogh Belicht
During the campaign Van Gogh Belicht (Van Gogh Illuminated - concept by Selmore), quotations were projected throughout the country in streets named after Van Gogh. The campaign strongly boosted museum visitor numbers and brand awareness. But because the letters were integrated in a sustainable way, they also remain a valuable part of the website in the long term. We made the website in collaboration with technical partner Q42.

Curious about Vincent
The intention to visit the museum is 29% higher for people who saw the campaign.
increase intention museum visit
million impressions on social media
minutes average visit duration

In the highlights created, and the many reactions to this on the website and social media, it is special to see how topical Van Gogh's work and ideas still are today. The result is user generated content that evokes a lot of engagement. It shows that Van Gogh's words touches, enriches and inspires many people.