Sir Hotels

Sleeping in a Sir Hotel goes much further than the room in which you sleep. It is a one-of-a-kind experience. And that is exactly what you should feel when you visit the website. The site is a teaser of your future stay.

One-of-a-kind experiences are built one detail at a time
Each hotel has its own character with unique colours and photography. Visitors can easily find their way through the flowing and elegant transitions. The micro interactions bring Sir to life and provide a dynamic feeling that suits the target group. The interactions make the Sir experience tangible, along with bold typography, stunning photography and quirky illustrations.

With an eye for detail, playfulness and "boldness"
The website is the start of an adventure, but at the same time, it should not give everything away. There is still a lot to discover, both in the hotels and in the cities. That's why the website is a teaser that seduces you to come to the hotel, but also a local friend who takes you by the hand and helps you discover your new surroundings.
Increase in Google search rank
The average position in Google search results has climbed enormously. The search ranking went from 27.7 to 22 and is still improving (desktop). This has to do with the good site structure, both in content and technology. For the individual hotels, the positions have also improved since going live. For example, every hotel is now in position 1 / 1.1 for certain keywords. After going live, the new site already generated a 10% increase in turnover after the first months

The site feels surprising, solid and sophisticated, also in the design and the images. The typography has been applied in a balance of elegance, boldness and stateliness. And the design ensures that the colour palette really comes into its own.