Once, this warehouse formed the backdrop for millions of people leaving or arriving in search of a new life. Now FENIX is set to become a center of culture. In Katendrecht, Rotterdam, a migration hub. The center hasn’t opened its doors yet, but our website already presents FENIX to the public.

A digital introduction
On the website, FENIX introduces itself to Rotterdam and the rest of the world. The introduction fills the entire homepage, in a way that is fitting and at the same time raises questions.
A focus on migration
FENIX's stories are divided into categories, each highlighting a different aspect of migration. Subjects such as goodbyes, borders and home. These abstract categories give the stories structure and give visitors insight into the kind of stories FENIX showcases. Each category has its own style. The color, font and feel change with the category you choose. The homepage addresses the visitor directly, providing entry points to the different categories.
Journey through three-dimensional space
The stories are told incrementally. This ensures that they are easy to follow and feel dynamic and fluid. Hazy pictures to the left and right of the stories lead to the next one, meaning the stories are presented in a three-dimensional digital space that allows you to hop through the different categories.
Fenixloods II
At the time of going live, the physical Fenixloods (Fenix warehouse) was still being worked on. People know the warehouse as an iconic feature of Rotterdam’s port. That’s why it is important to make the public aware of the changes to the warehouse. A dedicated page shows the changes within the building, and puts it in its historical context.