Gilde Colleges (MBO)

Gilde Colleges is one of the biggest college collaborations for vocational training (MBO) in the Netherlands, with many different courses, colleges and schools. Each of these used to communicate using their own identity. That caused the institute's image to be fragmented. Time for some clarity.

Let's get to work
Together with Gilde Colleges we pinpointed the essence of the brand: “let’s get to work” (Het échte werk). That’s what Gilde Colleges stands for. A clear starting point like that makes the rest of the road clear. And it gives direction to communication.

Explicit and recognisable
The many different vocational courses have been grouped into different colleges in a cleverer and more relevant way. That way, a college can differentiate itself more easily and communicate to their target audience, such as future beauticians or carpenters , more specifically. The names of the colleges are also clear and recognisable. You know exactly where you can “get to work” on what. Such as the Gilde Wellness & Beauty College and the Gilde School for Construction.

Come and join us
The brand Gilde Colleges is always recognisable, but the communication options are endless. Very important for an institute that has so much to offer. The artisanal font and the design with the dot can be used in a surprising number of different ways. Just like the inviting theme “Come and join us!” In other words: come and join the gilde (guild). Come and join Gilde Colleges.